Scripts and Functions: Using R to Implement the Golden Section Search Method for Numerical Optimization

In an earlier post, I introduced the golden section search method – a modification of the bisection method for numerical optimization that saves computation time by using the golden ratio to set its test points.  This post contains the R function that implements this method, the R functions that contain the 3 functions that were minimized by this method, and the R script that ran the minimization.

I learned some new R functions while learning this new algorithm.

– the curve() function for plotting curves

– the cat() function for concatenating strings and variables and, hence, for printing debugging statements

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The Golden Section Search Method: Modifying the Bisection Method with the Golden Ratio for Numerical Optimization


The first algorithm that I learned for root-finding in my undergraduate numerical analysis class (MACM 316 at Simon Fraser University) was the bisection method.  It’s very intuitive and easy to implement in any programming language (I was using MATLAB at the time).  The bisection method can be easily adapted for optimizing 1-dimensional functions with a slight but intuitive modification.  As there are numerous books and web sites on the bisection method, I will not dwell on it in my blog post.

Instead, I will explain a clever and elegant way to modify the bisection method with the golden ratio that results in faster computation; I learned this method while reading “A First Course in Statistical Programming with R” by John Braun and Duncan Murdoch.  Using a script in R to implement this special algorithm, I will illustrate how to minimize a non-differentiable function with the golden section search method.  In a later post (for the sake of brevity), I will use the same method to show that the minimizer of the sum of the absolute deviations from a univariate data set is the median.  The R functions and script for doing everything are in another post.


The Fibonacci spiral approximates the golden spiral, a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is the golden ratio.

Source: Dicklyon via Wikimedia

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